Making Magic an Everyday Thing!
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Making Magic an Everyday Thing!
You hopefully know that in my non-magical job I am a psychotherapist. For the last 10 years I have been working on a book on women's sovereignty called The Queen's Path: A Revolutionary Guide to Women's Empowerment and Sovereignty. This book has been an accidental obsession. In my graduate school research I discovered a pattern that was similar to the Hero's Journey, but for women and other marginalized people. It took me by surprise and turned my world completely upside down, ultimately for the better!
The book comes out in a few weeks on NOVEMBER 5TH 2024!
If you preorder the book, I'll include you in a drawing to win a special one-on-one with me (for yourself, your group, writing or witchy, or just you and some friends), a beautiful sparkly tiara for you and a friend, and a signed copy of the book to share with someone (since you'll still have the one you pre-ordered) or you can give the other non-signed copy to your friend!
Just send me a screenshot or photo receipt for your pre-order, with your name and contact information.
This book is not about witchcraft, it is about the foundations of women's experience, and helps explain why when people are hunting witches, they primarily go after women who won't submit. Whether we're talking about 1692 or 2024, powerful forces are trying to control WOMEN, calling us witches makes it easier to get people to turn against us. From Texas to France, and Washington to Spain, women are being treated like property by men (whether politicians, pastors or husbands) who think that they have the rights to our bodies.
Women deserve SOVEREIGNTY - the right to OWN ourselves. This is the book that tells you how to get there!
We are headed towards Samhain! The time of the year when the veil becomes thin, and we slow down in preparation for the winter. The older I get the more I realize that modern society has intentionally tried to take the traditions that kept us connected to the Earth, to our neighbors, and families, and monetized them to benefit those who control the resources at the top. As we wind down towards the waning of the year, I want to ask you to think about what you REALLY need. Food, water, shelter, family, connection, money for paying the bills. But do you NEED a bunch of stuff? Do you need the latest version of something? What is hanging around (relationships or things) because it is just strange to think about letting go? It's time. Look at the possibility of letting it go...
This website was launched several years with a 31 day countdown in the month of October. All of those lessons and newsletters still exist! Click here to revisit the original Halloween Countdown!
The Coven and I have been talking about the role of learning and magic in the world. There are old addages in witchy circles that one shouldn't charge money for learning magic. That doesn't mean that you can't ask for the cost of things to be covered, or for the materials themselves to be paid for. A spirited and interesting debate evolved about who this serves. Does it serve the people for whom it is intended? Or does it just allow women's work and the work of people who aren't in the "authoritative" industries to be devalued? What do you think? For a little while we are considering making all the classes free to see who really wants to learn. The idea is that maybe we can influence changing the world. After the initial period we are thinking of going to a subscription model. What are your thoughts? Perhaps you'd like to write a blog post about it?
I have been doing Pagan-centered Pastoral and Spiritual Counseling since 1994. I have been a chaplain to people in hospital beds and prisons. I have helped people in my congregation and people who randomly ask for guidance. So the coven is going to formally start doing things that support our community in this way. We have three members who are all trained in different ways of supporting our community with spiritual counseling from pastoral counseling, theological, and divinatory standpoints. We will soon be launching a directory of these folks, so that you can set a meeting with someone to help get your spiritual needs met, or just talk to someone. Rates will start at $100 for a half hour. Clients can also sign up for packages that blend spiritual counseling with readings and other services.
Do you need items for your altar? Witch Daily is going to start curating items that you can buy for your altar. Whether you need a cauldron for your incense, or you want a one-of-a-kind hand painted wand, you will be able to shop here!
Women especially, but men too want to belong. We are going to start a coven support area where we will help people starting covens. We'll help with consulting, lessons, interpersonal skills, ecumenical support, group development and learning materials, and more. If someone wishes to become an ordained member of the Hartline-Whetstone tradition, and bring that to your coven, let's talk! We are starting some groups all over the world!
The coven have been discussing the whole idea of being a non-profit, but have come to a bit of an impasse. The IRS in the US makes this very difficult on purpose, but more importantly yucky groups like Mega-Churches have been using these as tax havens for a long time- avoiding participating in the public good by not paying taxes. We think that the Public Good is important. Taxes are supposed to be part of that public good- from streets to schools. Witches are often dedicated to participating in the public good. This is challenging though, because our money also goes to causes we stand against, like war and the decimation of our environment. Despite how we feel about the places tax dollars go, we have not settled on how to manage that, though we feel strongly that we don't want to go in the same avoidant strategy of people who would gladly set us on fire in the public square in the name of their god. What do you think? Participate in the dialogue with us, please!
You will often see magical practitioners talk about working within the lunar cycle to know when their magic will be most effective. You may initially think this is silly old wives tales, but it aligns with what farmers have practiced for millennia. When you need something to grow, you work with the full moon or waxing moon. So at the full moon do magic that is taking advantage of fullness.
This is the period between the full and new moons, when the moon appears to be getting smaller in the sky. If you are doing magic for things to go away, then do your magic during the waning moon. Banishments, endings, downward transitions are all best during the waning moon.
The new moon is best for times of utter darkness. Because of this in some traditions the actual new moon is forbidden for magic, as nothing is happening. However, if your magic is bringing something out of nothing, the new moon is ideal. Many traditions however prefer to use the new moon energy on the first day of the waxing moon, rather than when the moon is new.
This is the time between the new moon and the full moon During this period everything is growing into fullness. Magic for bounty, health, harvests, growth, new relationships and new wealth are best done during the waxing moon.
Reflecting on my life as a very public witch and priestess has me thinking a lot about the world we live in, and what it means to make magic in it. Join me as we reclaim the magic of the world. I will be training a new group of priestesses and priests who can serve their magical communities! Stay tuned for how to sign
If you've watched any of WitchMom's TikTok Videos or seen my "Lives" then you know that Simon the dragon is always watching over my work. He has starred in a video too! Artist Christopher Crumb loved Simon so much he decided to create Simon for the WitchMom/WitchDaily and #WitchTok communities! I was so honored and thrilled I put Simon on everything from Tees to Sweatshirts to water bottles. I hope you'll consider supporting WD by buying some Simon Merch! Here are some samples to help you decide. You can get your SIMON SAYS items by clicking here!
These have been very popular, but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I'm going to pause these for a little while I catch up on the folks who have been on my wait-list.
Over the years I've recorded a lot of videos and classes. I'm starting to pull them all together so that I can use them in a new endeavor! In the meantime the older classes are going on sale! Stay tuned for a special sale!
Demand is crazy! If you're looking for a reading, just click here. Note though, a reading with Marianne is not a simplified "figure it out yourself" experience. Marianne runs your chart, has a meditation session to connect to your higher self, and also pulls Tarot cards for you in her very personal reading format. At the end, you will get a video recording of the session.
Check us out for upcoming events, classes, and more.
Everything is virtual unless otherwise stated. All times are Pacific Time.
Writings, Musings, Thoughts, Reflections, Recipes. Have something to add?
Write to witchdailymedia@gmail.com with a proposal!
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